Many want to have an internet connection regardless of where you are. There are all sorts of devices like USB sticks, build in 3g cards, external modems, tethering smart phones, and others to get your devices connected on mobile networks so that you are always connected wherever you have a cell phone signal. There is one product called the Mifi that puts a unique spin on this type of connection and just might be the best option for your gadgets.
The MiFi is a small unit - picture a device smaller than an iPhone that allows you to connect to it with a wifi signal. There is a huge advantage to this. The first is that nothing has to be literally connected to your device. Some devices lack a USB port and will not work with other types of connections like this. The MiFi will work with anything that uses WiFi regardless of connections.
Wireless Internet Usb Stick
It also will work with up to 5 simultaneous connections. If you have others who want to use the device while you do this is possible. It's also possible to use a secondary device that you own that uses wifi at the same time you use your laptop.
Another advantage is that you don't have to worry about using the right operating system. For those using Mac OSX or Linux, many times there are mobile connections that require Windows to use or at least unlock the device. The MiFi works with these regardless of your choice of platform.
Some people tend to buy new devices all the time. With a standard device like this there is no worry about which ones will work and which ones won't letting you buy what you really want.
The disadvantage of this unit is that it only has about a four hour battery. It is nice that the device is self powered, but this isn't quite enough time for some to use it all day for business. It can be charged up quickly, but this is the largest limitation.
MiFi - The Best Wireless Device For Your Gadgets!